
Sarah K Carayiannis is a Naarm/Melbourne based artist working in experimental ceramics, playing between the functional and sculptural. Her work ponders how the unwanted can be desirable once again, as an expression of the life, death and rebirth cycles. She takes great pleasure using waste and discarded materials-  broken bus stop glass, plastic meat trays-  as they ignite her curiosity and need for play. 


Curious how the subconscious is revealed through working with clay, honouring the history of ceramics only to rebel from these ways of working,  embodiment and breath practices guide the making process as a way of allowing the materials to fully express themselves. She is interested in the inherent quality of materials and the deeply healing nature of working with clay. Her practice is both healing and playful, and seeks to change the way we think about both ceramics and the future of materials.


Folding / Embodiment practice 

This folding practice was born from the process of following the path towards destruction. It was through the liberation of the controlling mind, a place of perfecting by letting go into the clay and dropping into the body into movements that were both guided from the clay. 


Plastic mold making

Will future archaeologists find plastic containers in the place of ceramic pots? Will our generation be known for our relationship with waste? 

By using moulds from everyday plastic that can be found in daily life. These forms invite us to find and appreciate the mundane beauty that surrounds us, both a comment on the disposable- objects and ideas, but also questioning our ideas around beauty and the abject.